Tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Te Tarai o Rahiri tōku maunga
Ko Mangakahia tōku awa
Ko Ngā to ki mata whao rua tōku waka
Ko Te Tarai o Rahiri toku marae
Ko Ngapuhi tōku iwi
Ko Ngati Horahia tōku hapu
Nō Whangarei ahau
No Mangakahia tōku tūpuna.
Ko Glenis tōku Mama.
Ko Desmond tōku Papa.
Ko Sally tōku Hoa Rangatira.
Toko toru aku tamariki
Ko Logan, ko Claudia, rātou ko Annalea.
I tupu ahau ki Whangarei.
E noho ana ahau ki Kiripaka.
He tumuaki ahau ki te kura o Whau Valley.
Ko Steven Jenkins tōku ingoa.
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
On behalf of our Board of Trustees, staff and students, we welcome you to Whau Valley Primary School. Located in the heart of Whau Valley within a beautiful parklike setting, we provide a stimulating and engaging learning environment. We pride ourselves on our welcoming and friendly nature, which is always commented on by visitors. We are an Enviro School with a Bronze Award, and are working hard toward making our school cleaner, healthier, greener and providing a sustainable environment for future generations. A place we all feel proud of.
Whau Valley School’s vision is Kia Ako Tahi, Kia Tupu Tahi - Learning as One, Growing together as One.
Our key focus is relationships, with our tamariki encouraged to work together, support one another, problem solve and become critical thinkers. Ensuring a smooth transition from ECE to school is our priority, with our local ECE's visiting weekly and joining in our school programmes regularly. We operate three senior digital learning classes as well as three bilingual classes across the school. Whau Valley School is committed to providing high-quality curriculum programmes for our tamariki, tailored to meet the needs of all of our students.
Whau Valley School's key strategic goals for the coming years are Curriculum, Culture and Change.
A rich and relevant localised curriculum, tailored to the needs of our tamariki and community
An inclusive learning environment that promotes positive relationships
Improved outcomes for all
Our school values/uara are;
Be Prepared, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
I feel very privileged to lead a team of dedicated, enthusiastic teachers and support staff, who always have our tamariki’s best interests at heart.
Ngā mihi
Steve Jenkins